Helsinki Zen Center

We provide an opportunity to practice Zen in a group, under the guidance of a teacher and in connection with a living tradition.

We arrange zazen several times a week, as well as full day meditations. You may also participate in retreats and daily full-time practice at Sanneji in Karjaa.

Sangen Salo Sensei is our teacher. He resides in Sanneji and visits Helsinki Zen Center on a regular basis to give dokusan, a one-on-one meeting with a zen teacher.

Our roots are in the lineage of Philip Kapleau Roshi. For more information about Zen and our lineage, please visit the website of Zengården.

Please check also Turku Zen Group.

You will find information on all Buddhist groups in Finland in the Religions in Finland Project. See also the Finnish Buddhist Union.

The address of our zendo is:

Helsinki Zen Center
Pääskylänrinne 3, Inner yard.
00500 Helsinki

Attending our zazen and introductions in English

We arrange brief introductions to zen on demand, where we instruct the meditation practice and go through the formal zazen (Zen meditation) procedure. After this introduction, you can start to practice on your own and attend formal zazen with our group.

If you would like to attend an introduction or have practiced zazen earlier, please inquire by email: